Principal’s Message

Dear RREC Family,

Welcome Back! I hope your summer was filled with fun and happy memories with your family and loved ones. I am humbled, blessed, and excited to return to Robert Renick Educational Center’s Family as your Principal for the 2023-2024 school year.

Last year, together, we were able to accomplish so many wonderful things. Our students applied for and received grants to plant and care for an amazing butterfly garden. They were able to successfully expand the food forest. They were recognized at the District’s 1 Student of the Month ceremonies. Robert Renick Educational Center was recognized as the top contributor for Alternative and Specialized Centers with 900% achievement during United Way Campaign. Most recently, we were the proud recipients of the M.A.S.T.E.R. School Heart Award for promoting positive mental wellness and awareness. The latter can only be possible with the help of our students, teachers, staff, parents and community partners.

This year, as a member of our “Rattler Family” we all have a very important job to do, work that requires commitment, focus, deliberate practice, dedication, and collaboration. I am a firm believer in the saying that it takes a village to raise a child, teachers, teacher assistants, security monitors, parents, volunteers, office support staff, cafeteria staff, and custodians together with administrators, all play vitally important roles in creating a welcoming school environment that is safe, clean, conducive for teaching and learning to take place, where we all feel loved. 

I BELIEVE that we are about to embark in a new journey together, this new year will be filled with hope, kindness, mutual respect, love, and the determination to focus on our goal this year: SEAS the DAY: Aboard Renick’s Love Boat, as we sail to reach academic excellence while meeting the social/emotional needs of our unique students.

I welcome and value your positive energy and constructive, respectful, honest feedback, I believe in shared leadership and value your input. I look forward to working with all of you in order to be the best that we can be. We are in this together!

Thank you for making a commitment to work on behalf of the students of Robert Renick Educational Center. It is my privilege to work alongside each of you. Thank you for what you do each day to make that happen. 


Aisha V. Marrero,
